Jessica Pelasky





Coffee Lover

Jessica Pelasky





Coffee Lover


Dog Safety Around Celebrations

June 20, 2020 Animals

** This post was initially written in 2015

Did you know that July 4th is the most popular day for dogs to run away?  Why?  Because many of them are scared and overwhelmed due to fireworks, cookouts, storms, etc.  However with a little love and care, and delicious dogs treats made in the USA, your dog can have a very happy July 4th!

Cashew is very good with people and get-togethers, however if you throw in a good thunderstorm and some loud noises, she becomes extremely scared and sometimes it’s hard to calm her down.  If you’re a dog owner, you know how horrible it is to see your furr-baby scared; it’s honestly heartbreaking.

If your dog is going to be outside during the celebrations, the first thing you need to do is to ensure that your pet’s information is up to date; please have their tags/contact information/collar up to date.

  • All collars should fit securely but comfortably; it should be snug so that it won’t easily get caught on a branch or other objects, but not so tight that it’s uncomfortable for your dog; you should be able to fit two fingers between your dog’s collar and neck.
  • The attached tags should ensure the dog does not have rabies and another with your name and phone number on it.

During parties, your dog is likely to come across yummy.  This food is most likely unhealthy for the dog to eat.

  • Keep the dog away from the main food and please make sure to tell guests to not feed the dog human food.
  • Make sure you feed your dog properly and on time so they are not tempted to find their own food.
  • Believe it or not, beer and other alcohol can be toxic to your dog.

Plan your party carefully. Choose decorations carefully.

  • Did you know that glow sticks are toxic for dogs?
  • If the dog is friendly and would like to stay with the people, consider using a leash or a baby gate barring.

Investigate products that may serve to calm your dog.

  • There are such products that you can wrap around your dog that tend to work; such an item can calm dogs in a manner similar to swaddling an infant.
  • A crate is a useful tool during the celebrations: to safely contain the dog and often calm him/her.
  • Relaxing auditory CDs have also been clinically researched to calm anxious dogs.
  • Ask your veterinarian for more advice.

Stay calm and alert.

  • Be on the lookout for anything that could scare your dog.
  • Keep in mind that your dog can sense your emotions and will often copy them.
  • If your dog starts to become anxious or overly active, the best option can be to put him in a separate room, crate, etc.
  • Ask kids to play away from your dog; children can be upsetting for a dog.
  • Keep an eye on your dog; signs of anxiety include the dog licking his lips, whimpering, a tense position, and showing the whites of his eyes.  If these occur, quietly and calmly remove the dog from the situation.

Be prepared to leave.

  • If your dog is too stressed, the best option is to immediately leave the situation.
  • Warn those your with a head of time that you may have to leave if your dog becomes too anxious.

Consider moving your dog.

  • If your dog is extremely stressed by activities, the best option may be to move him to another place during the celebrations or during the most active parts: some ideas would be a “doggy hotel” or friend/relative in a quiet rural area.

Consider leaving your dog at home.

  • Celebrations can be stressful, and often the best option is to leave the dog at home in a crate or room.

** Keeping your dog in a car is never a safe option, as the heat can give your dog heatstroke – or even kill them **

Supplies You May Need

  • A crate for securing your dog.
  • A secure leash/harness, and collar.
  • A collapsible water bowl and water; like you, your pet must be kept hydrated.
  • Healthy dog-safe snacks.